Voted Top 200 Global Ed Tech Startup for 2022 GSV Cup!
No Resume?
No Experience?
No Regular Job?
No problem! Work Simplr was built for you!
Resume- Worthy Work
How It Works
‍‍10 min Interview
A quick 10 minute chat to help us understand your skills so we can match you to work for skills like research, writing, organization.
Get Matched
Our system matches student talent on 20+ data points and our 'confidence factor' so we can place qualified students to the company.
Get Experience
Find paid work experiences that align to your career goals. We partner with companies in various industries to offer structured projects. Apply today and get guidance from our team.
We know every student has skills to complete high demand work
Online Reasearch
Do you know how to look up information online? Are you proficient with Google Sheets or Excel?
Sign Up Now
Data Entry / Cleansing
Do you know how to use Excel, Google Sheets or databases? Are you a detail person?
Sign Up Now
User Testing
Want to share your feedback and experiences using technology solutions? Willing to answer questions about your preferences and needs?
Sign Up Now
Sales and Lead Development
Are you comfortable and personable on the phone? Do you consider yourself a people person?
Sign Up Now
Join Our Community
All students are welcome to sign up. Any school. Any major.
Any U.S. location. Any level in school (18+ years of age.)
What Students Say
Mariah K. - Student at Lone Star College - Tomball
"I love Work Simplr and the feeling of accomplishment after completing a project! Student success is dependent upon EXPERIENCE. Work Simplr connects students with projects that do just that - get them experience!"
Madi T - Student at Lone Star College - Tomball
"Work Simplr saw my potential and gave me the opportunity to work even without a lot of experience. It gave me confidence that I can thrive doing project work and I'm not sure how I could have gotten to that point without Work Simplr."
Alec M - Student at University of Massachusetts
" I truly believe that experience fostered a lot of growth in my skills and confidence in a professional setting. My Work Simplr experience was critical to obtaining my coming summer internship."
Bridging the gap between students and work
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